
On june 9,2023,MIPC held the 29th commemoration of the Genocide against the tutsi in April 1994.

In a dialogue given by Mr Muhire Wellington,he explained how Rwandans lived before the colonial era,how divisions were created,and how the genocide was planned and implemented.

the survivor of the genocide in 1994,testified about the hard life she went through both before genocide,while it was being carried out and after it,she thanked the RPF Inkotanyi Army for sacrificing themselves by stoping the genocide.

And also the deputy head of Ibuka,Musanze district,asked the students to try and learn the bad history of the country in order to fight aganst those who deny the genocide against the tutsi in 1994 especiallly by using ssocial media.

The guest of honor,Mrs.Kamanzi Axelle,the vice mayor in charge of social affairs,in her remarks mostly to students”As youths the sustaniable solution for the future is to fight for unity of Rwandans,so that we will never be left behind and never again to genocide in rwanda.

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