
Today on Tuesday 10th/May/2022A Stakeholders meeting with Singita Community Culinary School(SCCS) in partnership with MIPC(Muhabura Integrated Polytechnic College).

The meeting was attended by the Northern Province Human Resources Management and Budget Officer Mr Ndayambaje Damien, Cyuve,Kinigi and Nyange Sectors Executive Secretaries, Hotel Managers in Musanze Districts The Principal of MIPC Rev Maniriho Vital welcomed all participants who attended the event and Thanked Singita management for the opportunity rendered to 10 students, who will be benefiting scholarships each academic year from vulnerable communities within the 3 mentioned sectors which surround Singita Region.
Some of the attendees raised the concern to increase the numbers of students from 10 at least to 50, even Including others sectors in Musanze District, Singita representative Mrs Tuyishime Claudine The Conservation and Community Project thanked the good partnership with MIPC in conserving and serving the Community with environment sustainability.

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