
It was a beautiful and joyful day on the 10th February, 2021 in Muhabura Integrated Polytechnic College (MIPC) receiving the Rt. Rev. Dr. MUGISHA M. Samuel the Bishop of Diocese of Shyira and the Chancellor on a special visit at the campus. It was an honor on both students and staff. This was a comforting visit as we are going through the covid-19 pandemic.

The chancellor toured the college, and observed activities of various departments.  He was shown some of the achievements of the students in their respective departments through presentations.

Masonry students showing the chancellor the ability to measure, design and build the house
Culinary Arts students prepared a variety of dishes
In Tourism department, students explained about Tour guiding, Camping Tents and interpreting maps.
He also visited electricity students who also showed him their skills in performing various installations in small and big houses.
Students in ICT, networking option demonstrated expertise in design, installation and management of networks plus CCTV camera installation.

Lastly, the software development students showed that they are able to make various computer programs including desktop, mobile and web application.

Students in ICT, software development option demonstrated expertise in designing and development of software,

The visit proceeded with a meeting between the bishop and all MIPC staff. Rev. Vital MANIRAKIZA, the principal of MIPC, presented the overview and current status of the college indicating the growth in number of students and staff. The number of students in short course is 33; in TSS level is 960 and 658 in Advance diploma (University). He also reflected in 2014 when MIPC started operating with 98 students and 5 staff.

Bishop’s remarks included share a word of God from Psalms 23, and reminded the staff to always be committed to improving the quality of education in MIPC, continue working together as a team, and to stand steady in their respective positions which will enable MIPC to continue growing. He also shared the vision of expanding the college to accommodate more students and promoting financial sustainability as a college.

To conclude the visit, the bishop blessed the congregation in a prayer, thanked, wished a happy new 2021.

Masonry students in a picture with Chancellor, MIPC principal and Vice principals
In Tourism department, students explained about Camping Tents
MIPC Chancellor in Tourism workshops
Masonry students explaining how to design using Archicad software
Masonry trainer introducing students work
MIPC chancellor with MIPC staffs and Networking students
MIPC students
MIPC students
MIPC chancellor with MIPC staffs

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