
Today on 30th June 2022, ten (10) students graduated from MIPC- Singita Community Culinary School.

Ten Graduates from MIPC- Singita Community Culinary School
MIPC Principal Rev Manirakiza Vital

MIPC Principal Rev Vital Manirakiza in his welcoming speech began by welcoming the guests who attended the ceremony including MIPC staff, Singita Team, Parents and students who graduated from MIPC- Singita Community Culinary School. The Principal thanked the parents for helping the students until the successfully completed their one year course and he also appreciated singita and everyone else involved in this training.

Graduands cheering a glass of Champagne after being awarded certificates

“Claudine, said “as singita, we are very happy for the ten students who completed this training” she also added that this project was established for community located within the surrounding areas of Singita,, such as  Nyange, Cyuve and  Kinigi Sectors in order to help the community fill in Singita.

MUBERWA Jackson graduands’ representative

MUBERWA Jackson, a graduands’ representative in his remarks thanked Singita Team and MIPC for the support given towards the accomplishment of their training and he concluded by assuring Singita and MIPC that what they have learned is going to be applied to their development and development of the country as a whole.

Andrew from SINGITA in his remarks thanked the good collaboration between Singita and MIPC, He also thanked Trainers for being with the student’s day to day until their accomplishment.

Guest of Honor

The guest of Honor in his remarks encouraged graduates to work hard, he also assured them that Singita will continue to make the follow up of their progress. He also added that “Even though it is difficult on job market, the knowledge you get from here is enough and it will help you to thrive,” he said. Remember you are going to be a mirror of Singita and MIPC around the World.

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